Sunday, February 3, 2008

Another Unpacking Party?

One of the friends who helped organize the unpacking party thrown for me last summer is talking about doing it again. It's true that I am completely overwhelmed with boxes and spending my unpacking energy getting back to work. Lucky for me, there's a terrific pizza place a few blocks away that makes yummy box unpacker feeding goodies. :)

Also lucky for me I have little shame when it comes to my messy house. :P

My friends amaze me on a regular basis.


Anonymous said...

So, why are we out of the loop? I notice we haven't been invited to this unpacking party. What gives? I am shocked and shall never read this blog again. Shocked, I tell you!

See you Wednesday?

Skymosher said...

Awwww. You aren't out of the loop cause no party's been planned yet. I'll be sure to make sure that you're at the top of the work party list! :D

And yeah, see ya Wed. :)

How's the scarf going?